
Chesed, the Elixir of construction, realisation and abundance

Elixir 04: Chesed

This Elixir is associated with construction, realisation and increasing abundance and richness.

Beth, the Elixir that promotes good communication

Elixir 12: Beth

This Elixir promotes good communication with the surrounding reality and gives the ability to act promptly in the realisation of practical things.

He, the Elixir which helps to distinguish between true and false

Elixir 15: He

This Elixir helps to distinguish between true and false in order to determine which inner voice we should listen to.

Vav, the Elixir that promotes a healthy relationship with food

Elixir 16: Vav

Promotes a healthy relationship with food. Increases the level of patience in every day life.

Zayin, the Elixir of self-affirmation

Elixir 17: Zayin

Helps to conquer our own space and achieve a condition of serenity

Cheth, the Elixir of the mother figure and motherhood

Elixir 18: Cheth

Governs the relationship with the mother figure, rebalancing its associated dynamics.

Teth, the Elixir that awakens the libido

Elixir 19: Teth

Awakens the primal energy of the individual and his/her libido. 

Yod, the Elixir of the masculine energy and will

Elixir 20: Yod

Helps to rediscover our essence and the love for ourselves.

Mem, the Elixir of meditation and compassion

Elixir 23: Mem

Relieves nervous tension, promoting general relaxation and the desire to meditate. Expands the capacity for love and understanding. 

Samech, the Elixir of the inner spaces

Elixir 25: Samech

Creates the right balance between personal space and relationships, helping to respect and defend the inner space from outside. 

Resh, the Elixir to understand our real needs

Elixir 30: Resh

Enhances listening skills and the ability to understand our needs and necessities. 

Angelo 13 IEZALEL - Nati dal 21 al 25 maggio.

Angelo 13 IEZALEL

Nati dal 21 al 25 maggio.

Angelo 18 CALIEL - Nati dal 16 al 21 giugno.

Angelo 18 CALIEL

Nati dal 16 al 21 giugno.

Angelo 32 VASARIAH - Nati dal 29 agosto al 2 settembre

Angelo 32 VASARIAH

Nati dal 29 agosto al 2 settembre

Angelo 38 CHAMAMIAH - Nati dal 29 settembre al 3 ottobre


Nati dal 29 settembre al 3 ottobre

Angelo 70 IABAMIAH - Nati dal 6 al 10 marzo

Angelo 70 IABAMIAH

Nati dal 6 al 10 marzo

Mix to restore a balanced energy

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Bones, spine, vertebrae, cartilage, joint, rib cagLiverLungs, bronchi, respiratory systemSpleenBrain, pituitary gland, pineal glandLarge intestine, small intestine, rectum, anusStomachKidneysFemale reproductive systemHeart and circulatory systemTeeth and gumsFeetHandsMouth, esophagus, thyroid, larynxGallbladderMale reproductive systemNervous systemSkin, hair Lymphatic system, glands, breastPancreasEarEyeMuscles Breast