Kit 32 Elixirs

Kit 32 Elixirs

Kit Water of Siloe

The Kit is composed of all the 32 Elixirs. Ideal for healers and practitioners to access the full range of mixes available. This allows one to work on a multitude of vibrational aspects. The box containing the Kit is made from solid wood, and each Elixir is held in a glass container to preserve its unique imprint. These materials are in perfect alignment with the holistic intent from which the Water of Siloe energy system originates.


Price: 1,365.00 GBP (VAT included)

Code: WOSK

Animal Component-Free* (ACF). Nickel free.

Discover the re-harmonising properties of Water of Siloe

Bones, spine, vertebrae, cartilage, joint, rib cagLiverLungs, bronchi, respiratory systemSpleenBrain, pituitary gland, pineal glandLarge intestine, small intestine, rectum, anusStomachKidneysFemale reproductive systemHeart and circulatory systemTeeth and gumsFeetHandsMouth, esophagus, thyroid, larynxGallbladderMale reproductive systemNervous systemSkin, hair Lymphatic system, glands, breastPancreasEarEyeMuscles Breast