Elixir 02: Chokmah
Positively affects our relation with what we own and what we should sow during our existence.
Elixir 04: Chesed
This Elixir is associated with construction, realisation and increasing abundance and richness.
Elixir 08: Hod
Purifies our thoughts and helps to reorganize them in an effective and functional way.
Elixir 15: He
This Elixir helps to distinguish between true and false in order to determine which inner voice we should listen to.
Elixir 16: Vav
Promotes a healthy relationship with food. Increases the level of patience in every day life.
Elixir 26: Ayin
Helps with focusing on professional tasks, giving the right support to find our inner dimension.
Elixir 28: Tzaddy
Increases our level of concentration. Gives intuition with regards to future events and projects.
Resistance MIX
Perfect Mix to eliminate resistances, with the aim of managing one's resources in the most effectvie way.
Concentration MIX
Perfect Mix to help with focusing on goals and objectives. It promotes change and renovation.
Self-esteem MIX
Perfect Mix to improve one’s self-esteem and eliminate residual resistances due to fear of failure.
Inspiration MIX
Perfect Mix to improve one’s ability to connect with and gain inspiration from the Superior Self.