
He, the Elixir which helps to distinguish between true and false

Elixir 15: He

This Elixir helps to distinguish between true and false in order to determine which inner voice we should listen to.

Resh, the Elixir to understand our real needs

Elixir 30: Resh

Enhances listening skills and the ability to understand our needs and necessities. 

Discover the re-harmonising properties of Water of Siloe

Bones, spine, vertebrae, cartilage, joint, rib cagLiverLungs, bronchi, respiratory systemSpleenBrain, pituitary gland, pineal glandLarge intestine, small intestine, rectum, anusStomachKidneysFemale reproductive systemHeart and circulatory systemTeeth and gumsFeetHandsMouth, esophagus, thyroid, larynxGallbladderMale reproductive systemNervous systemSkin, hair Lymphatic system, glands, breastPancreasEarEyeMuscles Breast