
Chokmah, the Elixir that supports new projects

Elixir 02: Chokmah

Positively affects our relation with what we own and what we should sow during our existence.

Mix to manage time and resources

Time MIX

Perfect Mix to manage time and resources in the best possible way.

Mix to support the realisation of projects

Fulfilment MIX

Perfect Mix to support the realisation of projects and give them a precise shape.

Discover the re-harmonising properties of Water of Siloe

Bones, spine, vertebrae, cartilage, joint, rib cagLiverLungs, bronchi, respiratory systemSpleenBrain, pituitary gland, pineal glandLarge intestine, small intestine, rectum, anusStomachKidneysFemale reproductive systemHeart and circulatory systemTeeth and gumsFeetHandsMouth, esophagus, thyroid, larynxGallbladderMale reproductive systemNervous systemSkin, hair Lymphatic system, glands, breastPancreasEarEyeMuscles Breast